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Thursday, January 29, 2015

No Flying Between Countries

      Washington, D.C. - SZ DJI Technology Company, Ltd. develops and manufactures unmanned aerial systems for recreation and business use. 
     Now, in response to a drone crash that happened on the White House lawn on Monday, January 26th, the Chinese drown manufacturer, says it will update its drones so that they will not be able to fly over much over Washington, D.C.  When downloaded the firmware (software that updates computerized devices) will prevent SZ DJI Technology Company, Ltd. drones from taking off within the restricted flight zones that cover much of Washington, D.C., company spokesman Michael Perry says.  Mr. Perry also says, SZ DJI Technology Company, Ltd. will update its firmware to disable drone flights across national borders.  The national border update will prevent SZ DJI Technology Company, Ltd. drones from flying from one country into another country.  SZ DJI Technology Company, Ltd. already prevents its drones from flying near most airports, in accordance with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations. 
     SZ DJI Technology Company, Ltd.'s planned update will prevent ANY flying inside the most restricted airspace above Washington, D.C., which has an approximately 15.5 mile radius.  The altitude of flights in a larger zone around Washington, D.C., outside of the 15.5 mile radius  will also be limited.  See also,     

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