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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Girls Scouts Use Computers To Fund Raise

       New York - Now you can purchase Thin Mints, Samoas, Do-si-Dos, and more on the internet.  The Girl Scouts have recently approved a new "Digital Cookie" program.  Before, Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. preferred to keep its sales offline, encouraging individual scouts to set up booths and go door-to-door.  With the "Digital Cookie" program, "Girls across the country can now use modern tools to expand the size and scope of their cookie business and learn vital entrepreneurial lessons in online marketing, application use, and e-commerce," as Sarah Angel-Johnson, director of the digital cookie plan, told the New York Times.  Per rules, the scouts themselves must still initiate each cookie sale.  The girls can market their online cookie business by inviting customers to their personalized websites.  Still others will be able to take in-person cookie orders through a Girl Scouts mobile app.  Using this applet customers can pay by credit card.  See also,  

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