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Friday, November 20, 2015

Solar Panel Company Helps Power Zero Emissions Oil Refinery

     Silicon Valley - GlassPoint Solar's  power supply generators will be used in a popular kind of oil extraction process.  Natural gas is normally used in this type of oil recovery process, but natural gas is scarce and therefore expensive in many parts of the Middle East, and natural gas emissions are not good for the earth's atmosphere. 
     GlassPoint's solar project will provide one-third of the steam at Oman's Amal oilfield.  Experts estimate GlassPoint will save some 300,000 tons of Co2 emissions each year.  Unlike traditional solar companies that focus on solar panels, GlassPoint uses mirrors that are specifically designed for oil operations.  The 300,000 tons of carbon emissions projected to be kept from polluting the earth's atmosphere, amount  to the equivalent of 63,000 car's annual exhaust emissions, or put another way, it is more Co2 emission savings than all the electric cars sold by Tesla and Toyota combined in the United States.  "It's very energy intensive to produce energy.  Unlike gas-fired units, GlassPoint's units, GlassPoints solar steam generators produce zero emissions," GlassPoint co-founder and CEO Rod MacGregor told CNNMoney.  See, whole story,

Monday, November 16, 2015

Porsche 911 Turbo 997 VS Dodge Viper SRT 10 1/4 Mile Drag Race Viertelme...

CEO Says Expect Delays for DC-Comic's Shows on Netflix and Hulu

     Hollywood - Fans of superhero shows based at the DC-Comics universe might have to wait longer for past season's episodes to come to Hulu and Netflix.
     The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of DC-Comics owner, Timer-Warner Inc., told analysts Time-Warner is considering whether to let online services like Hulu and Netflix have shows several years after they first air, rather than one year later.  He said that could mean more episodes available on-demand to traditional cable customers.  Holding shows from online services would make traditional cable and satellite TV packages more attractive.  There are eight DC-Comics shows on TV right now, including "The Flash," "Arrow," "Gotham," and the newcomer "Supergirl."  Jeff Bewkes, CEO of Time-Warner, says "Time-Warner is focused on delivering even more value to consumers, especially those who subscribe to the traditional bundle."  See also,

Department of Dronerized Vehicles

     Washington, D.C. - Drone owners may have to put a registration number on their drones, kind of like a license plate.
     In recent months, drones have crashed into the White House and the U.S. Open, have obstructed forest fire rescues, and have come too close to commercial airliners.  A drone registration process will help the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) figure out who was responsible in any drone-related accident, and it could deter people who would otherwise do something silly with a drone if they know their name is on file with the government.  Another safety measure is location-tracking, called geo-fencing, this technology stops drones from getting to close to buildings to better protect United States citizens.  According to Quartz magazine, not everyone is a fan of the FAA's registration proposal.  Jonathan Rupprecht, an attorney that handles laws on drones and drone registration, thinks registration alone is impractical, "Registration points you to who might have caused the incident, geo-fencing can help prevent it, says Rupprecht.  See whole story,       

Friday, November 13, 2015

Amazon's Wholesale Data Processing Cloud

     Silicon Valley - Amazon Web Services (AWS), the company's network of servers, data storage technology, and virtual computing platforms is going to bring Amazon more than $7 billion in sales this year.  AWS has a remarkable revenue record, its growth has been the fastest in history for any information technology (IT) company.
     Amazon launched AWS nine years ago and AWS revenue is expected to be greater than $10 billion in annual sales in 2016.  Previously the $10 billion annual revenue mark took Apple 19 years, and, according  to some industry sources, Microsoft took 22 years, and Oracle took 23 years.  See whole story,           

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Virtual Reality Video Cameras

     Cupertino -  Virtual reality goggles are an emerging technology and Lytro is a Silicon Valley camera company taking this technology to large companies and consumers.  In November 2015 Lytro announced the Immerge, a professional-grade e-camera system made for capturing video for virtual-reality headsets.
     The next generation of videos will let you move around in and interact with a scence in the video.  Neighbors of Lytro in the virtual-reality market are Sony, Google, Facebook, and GoPro.  The Immerge is not a consumer device, the system will cost between $100,000 and $500,000.  The market for these are usually virtual-reality studios, sports leagues, and big-name Hollywood studios.
     For the regular consumer Lytro had the Lytro Camera at $399 in 2012,  and the Illum a new higher-end camera that cost $1,200 in 2014.  Lytro declined to share sales numbers for either product, but, both have struggled to find customers.  "We always thought of the Illum as a stepping stone," said CEO Jason Rosenthal.  "I'm super bullish on virtual-reality and augmented reality.  Done right it really is the next logical way for people to interact with computers.  See whole story,                 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Privacy Rules for Drones

     Sacramento - Prosecution for invasion of privacy will be permitted when aerial drones are used to photograph or record another person in a private setting .  See full story,

President Appears on Broadway

     New York - Republicans claim the  Democratic primary debate sponsored by the financial news network last week, lacked substance, and that the reporters there moderating failed to follow agreed-upon standards.  An effort to establish more rules regarding Presidential candidate debates remained uncertain Monday evening. 
     Speaking ahead of a performance of the musical "Hamilton," an audacious hip-hop telling of Alexander Hamilton's life, the President said, "They occupy a different reality" on major issues.  "According to them everything was really good in 2008," he said, "When we were going through the worst economic crisis in our lifetimes; unemployment and uninsured rates were up, we were hopelessly addicted to  foreign oil, and Osama Bin Laden was still on the loose, this apparently was the golden age that I messed up."  See full story,