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Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Future Drones on The Battlefield

       Ventura - The greatest impact drones will have on the battlefield, is that, drones will be increasingly smarter and stealthier, sort of like, United States Air Force (USAF) stealth planes.  This argument is from a new paper entitled, "The Consequences of Drone Proliferation: Separating Fact from Fiction", by Michael C. Horowitz, Sarah E. Kreps, and Matthew Fuhrmann.  See whole story,

Thursday, December 22, 2016

First Robot Drone Delivery

       Cambridge - Amazon is in the lead to deliver retail packages that are five pounds or less.  The first customer was a British man in Cambridge England (50 miles from London).  Amazon wants to get small packages to customers within 30 minutes of the order coming in.  See whole story,   

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Domino's Pizza Teams Up For Drone Delivery

      Auckland - Pizza delivery to your door is now science-fact.  It took two companies, Domino's Pizza and drone delivery service, Flirtey, to allow the giant pizza company to use drones.  The companies are calling it the "world's first pizza-by-drone commercial trials."  They are testing the concept in New Zealand.  If the trials are successful the companies plan to expand to other areas of the globe.  See also,         

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Nike's Self-lacing Sneaker

       Hollywood - On November 28, 2016 a Nike shoe will go on sale online.  The app will let you get the $720 self-lacing tennis shoe before it goes it starts selling in stores, in early December 2016.  See whole story,

Monday, November 7, 2016

Too Big or Not Too Big That is One of The Questions That Will Be Facing Hillary Clinton if She Wins

  Washington - Democrats and Republicans, alike, are opposed to the acquisition by broadband and wireless provider AT&T of Time Warner.  Time Warner also owns CNN, HBO, and Warner Bros.  See also,                

Saturday, November 5, 2016

California Chrome Does Not Go The Distance

      Arcadia - At the 33rd Breeder's Cup Classic at Santa Anita Park Saturday November 5, 2016 California Chrome was upset stunningly by a relative newcomer named Arrowhead.  California Chrome's owner says, in the last 10 yards it became clear Arrowhead would win.  See whole story,      

Thursday, November 3, 2016

1894 Experiment Becomes 1903 Official Game

       Cleveland -  In 1903 the Boston Americans won the Pittsburgh Pirates five to three.  In an effort to end a two-year rivalry and promote unity in baseball, the already established National League and newly established American League, decided to settle it with a new kind of season finale. 
          Nine years earlier, in 1894, the two top teams in the National League played an 'experimental' post-season championship, in which Boston beat Pittsburgh five games to three.  Then, in 1903, both teams (now in separate leagues) competed against one another in the first official  World Series. See also,    

Friday, October 28, 2016

2016 NA LCS Summer Split: Moments and Memories

League of Legends 2016 World Finals

       San Francisco - Various stages have been held in cities across the United States, they include:  Chicago, San Francisco, New York, and the finals in Los Angeles, at the Staples Center on Friday  October  28, 2016.  The top prize is over $1,000,000 per city, with the total purse being approximately $5,070,000.  See also,  

From The Orient Back to The United States

      San Francisco - The tennis shoe industry is dependent on inexpensive labor. A new way to manufacture tennis shoes could revolutionize the tennis shoe industry.
     Traditionally, sneakers are created with the use of molds.  A Reebok innovation for  drawing in 3-D could decrease the cost of making its new Liquid Speed sneakers, decrease the time it takes to get shoes into stores, and create jobs in the United States.  Bill McInnis, head of Reebok Future, says every tennis shoe manufacturing process uses molds.  Molds are expensive, take a lot of time to create, and involve a lot of labor and shipping costs.  See whole story,        

Friday, October 14, 2016

Millennials Use Technology and Need Value

      New York - Millennials, people between the ages of 18 and 34 in 2015, use their mobile phones a little more than Generation X shoppers (aged 35-50) to shop, and Millennials use their mobile phone considerably more than the total United States population.
     In a recent Crowdtap poll conducted by Synchrony Financial, more than 70 percent of Millennials and 67% of Generation X shoppers, surveyed, said they used their cell phone at least one time in their last five in-store visits.  For Millennials this is 15% more than the total United States population.  Recent data featured in the Harvard Business Review show that when shoppers post images of merchandise on social sharing sites like Pinterest, those images draw customers into the store.  Of Millennials 40% search for coupons, 39% compare prices, and 16% pay for items.  Millennials are mobile-savvy shoppers.  Some Millennials have college to pay off and tend to want value for their spending buck.  Millennials are thrifty, they have college debt, and they may be working two jobs, says Bob Phibbs, CEO of the Retail Doctor consultancy in New York.  See whole story,

Friday, September 9, 2016

Legend Treads On

       Silicon Valley - Some say he is bringing the same obsessed work ethic to learning about tech start-ups that he did to training.  In August 2016 the Laker legend set his sights on Silicon Valley.  According, to billionaire investor Chris Sacca, he advised Kobe Bryant on how to get onto the high-technology court.  Chris Sacca told him to study up, read some articles, watch some TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design an invitation-only event) videos, and if he proved he was serious, he would talk to him about how to invest.  Sacca says, "For the next few months, my phone never stopped buzzing in the middle of the night.  It is Kobe, reading this article, checking out this tweet, following this guy, diving into this TED talk, diving into Y Combinator Demo Days,".  Y Combinator is a high-technology company founded in 2005.  See whole story,   

Friday, August 19, 2016

World's Tallest Water Slide!

After New Debut NCIS: New Orleans Helps Flood Victims

     NEW ORLEANS -- The cast and crew of “NCIS: New Orleans” are taking time to give back to the state where their show is filmed.
Historic flooding has devastated parts of southeastern Louisiana. Baton Rouge saw deadly flood waters over streets and into houses and businesses; at least 40,000 homes were damaged and 11 people were killed in some of the worst flooding in the state’s history.
The “NCIS: New Orleans” actors knew they couldn’t sit back, so they’re taking time out of their schedules to give back to those who need it most. The cast and crew will be collecting and sending items to Baton Rouge flooding victims.
More than 30,000 people have been rescued since Friday.
CBS affiliate WIAT spoke with stars Vanessa Ferlito and Alabama native Lucas Black on the set in New Orleans. They shared their thoughts on the outreach from the cast and crew, and sent their condolences to the flood victims.  For further information, also see

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Best Digital Bank

         New York - An award show for a bank is what the Global Finance magazine highlighted for 2015.  The financial institution  that offers some of the best digital banking products and services.  Scotiabank received the best digital bank award for 2015 at the Digital Bank Conference.  See also, 

Monday, January 18, 2016

Virtual Reality (VR) Requires More Powerful Personal Computers

        Taiwan - That desktop tower may still have a use soon, and according to some experts, less than one percent of  the world's PCs will be able to run them. 
     Few people own hardware capable of fully supporting Facebook's Oculus Rift or HTC's Vibe.  It is estimated in 2016 just 13 million PCs worldwide will have the graphics capabilities needed to run VR, according to an estimate by Nvidia, the world's largest maker of graphics chips.  VR headsets create immersive 3D environments the wearer can interact with and explore.  Facebook will sell its first VR products to consumers near the end of March 2016, says Oculus co-founder Palmer Luckey in a December 22, 2015 tweet.  Filling that desktop tower with new, or more, plug-in graphics chips, video-game sound cards, and a  speedier microprocessor is a good idea.  Making VR seem real requires an increase in the amount of computing power your PC has, for example video-games always have a minimum hardware requirement for them to run.  Most computers struggle to meet the needs of VR.  To bring your computer to tip-top Oculus Rift processing power, Facebook says, you should include the following new or additional things in your upgraded PC:  Nvidiia Ge Force 970 or AMD Radeon 290 graphics card (approximately $300), an Intel 15- class processor, more than 8- gigabytes of memory, and two USB 3.0 ports.  If you don't want to upgrade your old desktop tower, you can purchase a laptop with comparable computing capability for about $1,500.   
     VR is a step beyond 3D.  While Oculus Rift and Vive require more powerful PCs, without the required 90 frames per second on two video projections (one for each eye) we will not be convinced the image we are viewing is real.  The average PC runs at 30 frames per second.  HTC in on track to put its Vive headset in stores in April.  See also,            

Saturday, January 2, 2016

New Year's Fireworks Show Really Ignites

     Dubai - The 48th floor of Dubai's 63 story Address hotel ignited at approximately 9:30 p.m. (12:30 p.m. ET)  New Year's Eve.  A fireworks show less than a quarter of a mile away, billed as the worlds biggest, went on as planned.  Witnesses said they heard explosions on one side of the towering structure, in the heart of Downtown Dubai, parts of the building began crashing to the ground, hours after the blaze began.  Flames leaped up the building as governments around the world were on high alert for possible terrorist attacks tied to New Year's Eve celebrations, there is no initial indication there terrorism is to blame.  See whole story,