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Friday, October 28, 2016

2016 NA LCS Summer Split: Moments and Memories

League of Legends 2016 World Finals

       San Francisco - Various stages have been held in cities across the United States, they include:  Chicago, San Francisco, New York, and the finals in Los Angeles, at the Staples Center on Friday  October  28, 2016.  The top prize is over $1,000,000 per city, with the total purse being approximately $5,070,000.  See also,  

From The Orient Back to The United States

      San Francisco - The tennis shoe industry is dependent on inexpensive labor. A new way to manufacture tennis shoes could revolutionize the tennis shoe industry.
     Traditionally, sneakers are created with the use of molds.  A Reebok innovation for  drawing in 3-D could decrease the cost of making its new Liquid Speed sneakers, decrease the time it takes to get shoes into stores, and create jobs in the United States.  Bill McInnis, head of Reebok Future, says every tennis shoe manufacturing process uses molds.  Molds are expensive, take a lot of time to create, and involve a lot of labor and shipping costs.  See whole story,        

Friday, October 14, 2016

Millennials Use Technology and Need Value

      New York - Millennials, people between the ages of 18 and 34 in 2015, use their mobile phones a little more than Generation X shoppers (aged 35-50) to shop, and Millennials use their mobile phone considerably more than the total United States population.
     In a recent Crowdtap poll conducted by Synchrony Financial, more than 70 percent of Millennials and 67% of Generation X shoppers, surveyed, said they used their cell phone at least one time in their last five in-store visits.  For Millennials this is 15% more than the total United States population.  Recent data featured in the Harvard Business Review show that when shoppers post images of merchandise on social sharing sites like Pinterest, those images draw customers into the store.  Of Millennials 40% search for coupons, 39% compare prices, and 16% pay for items.  Millennials are mobile-savvy shoppers.  Some Millennials have college to pay off and tend to want value for their spending buck.  Millennials are thrifty, they have college debt, and they may be working two jobs, says Bob Phibbs, CEO of the Retail Doctor consultancy in New York.  See whole story,